Navigate to the maps section of a ̶0;BFME2̶1; site such as The Battle for Middle Earth Heaven, The Lord of the Rings Files or The 3rd Age.
Click the name of the map you want to upload. This will take you to the download page that often includes a summary of the map features.
Click the ̶0;Download̶1; link or button to save the map file. Maps are usually packaged in .zip folders.
Right-click the zip folder and unzip it into a new decompressed folder.
Open the folder, hold the ̶0;Ctrl̶1; key on your keyboard and press the ̶0;A̶1; key to highlight all of the map files.
Right-click on the files and select ̶0;Copy.̶1;
Locate the ̶0;BFME2̶1; maps folder on your computer. This is usually located at ̶0;C:\users\[windows username]\AppData\Roaming\My Battle for Middle Earth 2 files\Maps.̶1;
Right-click inside the ̶0;Maps̶1; folder and select ̶0;Paste̶1; to install the maps on your game.