Read the instructions for the electronic Scrabble application you're using on your version of Kindle.
Determine your opponent in the Kindle Scrabble game. You can pass the Kindle back and forth to play with a friend or challenge the Kindle by choosing ̶0;Quick Play̶1; from the menu. Set the game to the difficulty level you want to play -- it defaults to medium difficulty.
Play until you need to exchange tiles when the tiles you have won̵7;t form words. Under Scrabble rules, you lose a turn when you exchange tiles.
Press ̶0;Alt̶1; and ̶0;E̶1; to exchange tiles, and ̶0;Alt̶1; and ̶0;S̶1; to shuffle the tiles. Wait your turn to play again. If you can̵7;t play after the exchange of tiles, use ̶0;Alt̶1; and ̶0;P̶1; to pass.