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How to Get Duke Nukem 3D to Work on Vista

The 1996 computer game "Duke Nukem 3D" pits players against a race of invading alien creatures. The game was designed for older versions of Windows, so if your computer runs Windows Vista or 7 you may notice some compatibility issues. Most often the game won't run at all. With a free DOS emulator called DOSBox, though, you can run games designed for an older machine. Once you set up DOSBox, it takes just seconds to start a "Duke Nukem 3D" game.


    • 1

      Create a folder for DOS games. Click "Start," "Computer" and "Local Disc (C:)." Right-click the screen and select "New Folder." Name the folder "DOS."

    • 2

      Download "Duke Nukem 3D." Save the game to the DOS folder you created. Name the file "Duke3d." Several websites provide the shareware version of the game for free.

    • 3

      Download the DOSBox emulator and save it to the C drive. Click "Start," "Programs" and "DOSBox Options."

    • 4

      Locate the [dosbox] area and look for "memsize=16." Change the 16 to 32. In the [sdl] area, find "fullscreen=false." Change "false" to "true."

    • 5

      Find the [autoexec] heading. Under the heading, type @ echo off. Hit "Enter." Type mount c "C:\DOS" -freesize 1000. Press "Enter" and type mount d D:\ -t cdrom -ioctl.

    • 6

      Go to the [render] heading and find "aspect=false." Change "false" to "true" if your computer uses an LCD monitor.

    • 7

      Save the changes and run DOSBox. A DOS command prompt opens. Type "cd Duke3d" and press "Enter." Type "Install." Hit "Enter" to install the game.

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      Type "setup" when installation completes. Change the game's settings, if desired. Click on "Save and Launch Duke Nukem 3D" to start the game. © HT Games