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Click "Empty Cliffs" under "Map Quick Jump" on the right side of the screen. Empty Cliffs is the only map that contains both Pidgey and Doduo. Pidgey can also be found in Treepath. Doduo can be found in Hidden Cove and Safari Zone.
Click the map until a Pidgey or Doduo appears. This will be indicated by a message that says "Congrats! You found a Pidgey!"
Click "Catch It!" You will see a message that says you have caught the Pokemon. It will also note if it had an item with it.
Continue to click the map until you catch a Pidgey or Doduo with a Sharp Beak.
Click "Set Moves & Items" to see the item a Pokemon has. The item will be listed under the Pokemon's name in the "Item" slot. To use the item on a different Pokemon, click the item's name and use the drop-down menu to set the first Pokemon's item to none. Then click the new Pokemon to have the item and select "Sharp Beak." Click "Set Item!" when finished.