Type the following web address into your web browser:
Register for the game. The registration is free and will automatically save your game for you, allowing you to begin playing.
Hover your mouse over the pelican that is seated on the platform rail. The game screen will become sharper. Click on the pelican to start the game. Click on the door to enter the fallout shelter.
Proceed through the game by clicking on various items with the mouse cursor. Go to the studio room and you will hear a voice belonging to none other than Murdoc. Click on the bookshelf and find the spanner to get the lift working.
Find the character named "2D" to help you bail the water out of the lift. He will say that he won't help you until the whale is gone from the bathroom. He is terrified of whales.
Click your way to the bathroom. There you will find a whale lying in the bathtub. Drag the shower curtains with your mouse cursor, until they are completely closed. The whale will disappear and 2D will agree to help you out with some useful information.
Press enter and you will be brought to the official home screen of the "Gorillaz: Plastic Beach" game. The screen will be blurry and out of focus.