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How to Craft a Holy Symbol on RuneScape

In "RuneScape," the massively multiplayer online role-playing game, players are given a vast open world to explore as a character that they create themselves. They complete quests and do tasks that improve their various skills. Using a combination of these skills, players can create rare and powerful items. One such item is the Holy Symbol, an amulet the player wears that lessens the drain time for a player's "prayers."


    • 1

      Buy a pickax from Bob's Axes in Lumbridge, the first town you come to after the "RuneScape" tutorial is complete.

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      Find rocks out in the world and click on them with the pickax equipped to mine them. Some rocks can't be mined until you're a higher level, but keep mining until your skill reaches level 20.

    • 3

      Search for silver rocks, which are tall with light gray veins running through them. Mine these rocks to obtain some silver ore.

    • 4

      Head into any town and look for a furnace. Right click the furnace and select "Smelt." Use all your ore obtained from mining to level up your smithing skill to level 20. This will enable you to smelt down your silver ore into silver bars.

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      Travel to the city of Al Kharid and enter the crafting shop. Purchase the Holy Mould.

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      Return to a furnace and, with the Holy Mould and some silver bars in your inventory, you will be able to select the Holy Symbol from the furnace's menu. © HT Games