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How to Use an Omni Defense System in World of Warcraft

Challenge your raid against the newest council boss in the ̶0;World of Warcraft̶1; raid encounter, located in Blackwing Descent. The Omnotron Defense System is a council fight, pitting your raid against four simultaneous bosses, named Arcanotron, Electron, Magmatron and Toxitron. Each boss uses unique attacks and abilities, forcing your raid to work together to defeat the challenging encounter. With the right raid make up, and strategy, you can challenge this difficult encounter and reap the rewards, including some of the best loot in the game.


    • 1

      Construct your raid with two skilled tanks, three healers and five damage dealers, including one mage to handle the spell stealing. Note that the mage is optional, but the benefit of spell stealing the shield from Arcanotron makes bringing a mage to the fight very worthwhile.

    • 2

      Remind your raid that the fight opens with one active boss, but that a second boss will activate when the initial boss reaches half health. Explain that this pattern continues throughout the fight, with a new boss becoming active every time a current boss hits half health. Remind your tanks that they can tank the bosses together, as they do not cleave the two tanks.

    • 3

      Position Arcanotron, once he is active, away from his power generator buff, which appears as a whirlwind graphic on the ground. Move your healers or damage dealers into these whirlwinds for a buff to damage and mana regeneration. Instruct your healers to watch for the arcane annihilator ability, which is a short cast, high damage attack to a single target. Have your mage use her spell-steal power against Arcanoton when it casts power conversion, to gain a large damage buff and remove this ability from the boss.

    • 4

      Spread your raid out when Electron becomes active to avoid many of its most powerful area attacks. If a tank or melee damage dealer receives the lightning conductor debuff, move away from allies quickly to avoid killing them with the resulting attacking. When you see the boss cast unstable shield, cease all attacks while the shield is active, as any attack will trigger a powerful area attack.

    • 5

      Tank Magmatron with its back to the raid, to avoid the flamethrower flame which targets the tank but hits all allies behind the tank. Place your raid in a semi-circle behind Magmatron, slightly spread out. When you see the acquired target debuff, prepare to heal the targeted raid member through a powerful blast of flames. Cease all attacks when it casts barrier, as this spell explodes for a raidwide 75,000 damage after the boss takes 300,000 damage.

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      Move Toxitron out of poison clouds to avoid the 50-percent damage buff the spell provides, but allow your melee damage dealers to stand in these clouds. Instruct your ranged damage dealers to attack the poison protocols, three slow moving bombs that move from the boss to a raid member and then explode. © HT Games