Advance to the Trollweiss Hunter Area, which is due north of the entrance to Keldagrim, using your Hunter (which can be level 1). Use the Eagle transport system to get there quickly if you have completed the Eagle's Peak task.
Equip your Hunter with a Noose Wand.
Search for Polar Kebbit burrows by right-clicking on them. Look for tracks once you get on a Polar Kebbit's trail, as these tracks will show you the next hiding place the Kebbit went to. Most burrows have an entrance and an exit, so you will need to find the exit point to pick up the next set of tracks.
Keep right-clicking on burrows until the tracks lead you to a snowdrift. This is where you will find the Polar Kebbit.
Use the Noose Wand to capture the Polar Kebbit which will add bones, meat and fur to your inventory.