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How to Make a Plane With Gmod

Garry's Mod is a game for the digital distribution platform Steam. It allows you to create nearly anything you can imagine by giving you a variety of tools to manipulate the world around you. Players can even create their own vehicles, including airplanes, out of anything in the game world. Creating your own airplane can allow you to access areas of your game map you could never get to, gain an advantage on your enemies by attacking from the sky or even just explore the world around you.


  1. Assemble the Plane Body

    • 1

      Double-click "Garry's Mod" in your Steam library to start the game. Click "Start New Game" from the main menu and select any map from the list that comes up on screen.

    • 2

      Press "Q" to bring up your "Spawn Menu." This is a large list of icons you can click on that will bring items into the game world. Use the icons to help you decide what you would like to use to build your plane. Be creative, and if you're having trouble deciding, use two metal doors for the wings and a bathtub for the body.

    • 3

      Click the "Vehicles" tab on the top of the "Spawn Menu." Select the "Chair" icon to bring it into the game world.

    • 4

      Look to the right column to find a list of available tools in the "Spawn Menu." Select the "Weld Tool," and let go of "Q" to close the menu.

    • 5

      Click on one of your wings, then click on the body of the plane. This will bring the objects together and weld them. Wherever you click on the object determines where it will be welded, so be sure to weld the wings on the left and right sides of your plane body and that the chair is welded on the inside.

    Creating Flight

    • 6

      Press "Q" to once again bring up the "Spawn Menu." From the tools on the right side, select "Thrusters." To the right of your selection is a list of options for the "Thrusters" tool. Click and drag the "Force" slider down to "200." You can adjust this number up or down depending on how many objects you used to assemble your plane. The heavier the objects, the more "Force" required for them to fly.

    • 7

      Locate the two number pad diagrams in the "Thrusters" option menu. Each number on the pad corresponds to the number pad on your keyboard. This determines what numbers you will press to activate the thrusters and control the direction of your plane. To start, click on "5" for the "Push" number pad, and "0" for the "Pull" number pad. Close the "Spawn Menu."

    • 8

      Aim your "Thruster Gun" underneath the plane. Press the "Ctrl" key to lower your character and get a better vantage point. Click the left mouse button to place a thruster under each wing and the body of the plane.

    • 9

      Open the "Spawn Menu" and go to the "Thrusters" option menu again. Select "4" for the "Push" number pad, and "6" for the "Pull" number pad. Close the "Spawn Menu." Left-click on the left side of your plane body to place one or two thrusters.

    • 10

      Open the "Spawn Menu" and go to the "Thrusters" option menu one last time. Select "8" for the "Push" number pad, and "2" for the "Pull" number pad. Close the "Spawn Menu." Left-click somewhere on the back of the plane body to place a thruster. Move close to your chair and press "E" to get inside. Pressing "5" on your number pad will cause you to go up, "0" will move you down, "8" will move you forward, "2" will move you back, "4" will move you left, and "6" will move you right. © HT Games