Download a "Build to Survive" template from the "Roblox" website by searching for "Build to Survive kit" or "Build to Survive template" in the "Roblox" database.
Open the template in the "Roblox" world editor.
Navigate to the "Workspace" tab to the right of the screen to find the disaster criteria for the game.
Alter the spawn point for the disaster, such as the source of lava or the origin of a tsunami, by selecting the spawn point and dragging it to a location of your choosing.
Build a setting around the spawn point to create a fitting encounter for the disaster. For example, if the disaster is a volcano that spews lava, build an enormous mountain by dragging bricks on top of each other, and then move the origin point to the top of the mountain.
Alter the timing by inputting a new number next to the "Wait time" or "Delay" variables, depending on the template. This number reflects how many seconds pass between each disaster, which determines how long a player has to build a fortification before the survival mode starts.
Open the "Script" tab from the "Workspace" window to access the game's code.
Search for the following lines of script in the code. If the code does not already exist, then add it at the end of the code.
Function onTouched(hit)
Game.Workspace.Player.Humanoid.Health = 0