Devastator Tips
The Devastator is the melee oriented class of the three classes in "Torchlight." Unlike the other two classes, his specialization never really changes his preferred mode of combat. Almost none of the Devastator's skills complement focusing on ranged weapon or magic spells as your main form of combat. However, you should not completely ignore spells. The Haste and Dervish spells increase your movement speed and attack speed, which is very useful for the Devastator. Use one of these spells when you need a damage boost.
Vanquisher Tips
Vanquishers are the more ranged combat oriented classes, but can potentially make decent melee combatants as well. Vanquishers benefit the least from focusing on a single specialization. You are often better off picking skills, as needed, from two or all three specializations for the entire game. Even though Marksman is ranged focused and Rogue is melee focused, there are some complementary skills. Arrow Hail from Marksman only hits nearby enemies, making it useful for a melee oriented Vanquisher. Needle Arc and Winds of Justice from Rogue, on the other hand, can be useful for a ranged oriented Vanquisher that is starting to get surrounded. No matter which combat style you focus on, the Arbiter's traps and bombs are a useful source of extra firepower and damage.
Alchemist Tips
The Alchemist is the magic oriented class. However, his skills do not count as spells. The spell improvement skills do not help the Alchemist's skills, only spells learned from scrolls. The Alchemist benefits the most from sticking with a single specialization in most cases. The Arcane specialization, which focuses on damage spells, has a bit more leeway since you only need two or three damage spells and can ignore the rest. The Lore specialization focuses on summoning creatures to your aid. There is a huge difference in effectiveness between increasing all the skills to the maximum levels or trying to dabble in it. The summoned creatures of a Lore specialized Alchemist can devastate almost anything in their path, but poorly leveled summons tend to die very quickly. The Battle specialization is intended to make an Alchemist a melee force to be reckoned with. Similar to Lore, this is not a good specialization to dabble in. Initially, the Alchemist is not suited to enter into melee combat. The Battle specialization is required to give him the melee damage and defenses needed to survive at close range.
The inventory space in "Torchlight" is fairly limited. You have your character's inventory, pet's inventory, a chest specific to that character and a chest shared by all of your characters. At first, this seems like a lot of space, but over time this rapidly fills up. Weapons and armor take up a lot of room. In addition, spells and gems that you want to save to use later need to be stored somewhere. Your inventory fills up even faster if you try to save good pieces of equipment to use when you make a new character with a different class. There is a very easy way to remedy the lack of storage. Make a new character and have him take items out of the shared chest. All of the inventory spaces are available at the very start of the game, so it only takes about a minute to add a large area of inventory space to store items you do not need immediately.