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How to Get Through Matchstick Mini Games in Hidden Secret

Published by Gogii Games, "Hidden Secrets: The Nightmare" is a point and click adventure game in which you are trying to restore your lost memories. There are several mini games to complete along the way, and two different sets of matchstick mini games. The first mini game only requires you to solve one matchstick puzzle, while the second mini game has five distinct matchstick puzzles. Each of these puzzles involves forming a certain number of boxes within a limited number of moves.


  1. Matchstick Puzzle for Level 22

    • 1

      Begin the matchstick puzzle for Level 22. The goal is to form two squares out of the matchsticks that do not touch each other. The outer rim of matchsticks will form one of the squares.

    • 2

      Remove the two horizontal and vertical matchsticks along the left side of the larger square, removing four matchsticks in all.

    • 3

      Remove the two vertical and horizontal matchsticks along the right side of the puzzle, removing four matchsticks in all. This will leave an untouched matchstick square directly in the center of the large matchstick square, completing the puzzle.

    Matchstick Puzzles for Level 28

    • 4

      Move the two matchsticks on the right side of the puzzle to the left side of the puzzle to form two squares for the first puzzle. You're allowed to move only two matchsticks.

    • 5

      Move two matchsticks from the left side of the second puzzle to form a vertical line along the right side of the puzzle. This will form one large square. Move the last matchstick from the left to the upper vertical slot in the center of the puzzle. This will form one large square with one smaller square inside of it, completing the puzzle.

    • 6

      Move the vertical matchstick on the lower right side of the puzzle up one space and to the left. Move the horizontal matchstick on the upper left side of the puzzle down and to the right one space. This will complete the puzzle by forming three squares while using only two sticks.

    • 7

      Move the two top matchsticks connecting at the upper right corner of the fourth puzzle to form a partial square on the upper right corner of the puzzle. Move the top vertical matchstick on the left up to complete the square. This will complete the puzzle requirements of creating four squares by moving three sticks.

    • 8

      Move the top horizontal matchstick on the fifth puzzle down two spaces. Move the matchstick on the far left side of the puzzle down and to the right one space. Move the matchstick on the far right side of the puzzle down and to the left one space. This will fulfill the puzzle requirements of creating three squares by moving three sticks. © HT Games