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How to Make Your Own Map on COD 2

"Call of Duty 2" is the second game in the Call Of Duty series, available on the PlayStation, Xbox and PC. Players take on the role of one of four characters as they progress through World War 2 and participate in battles across various theaters, including Stalingrad, North Africa, France and Italy. It also features an extensive set of multiplayer maps, although players can still create more maps for the PC version of the game.

Things You'll Need

  • PC version of "Call Of Duty 2"
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    • 1

      Download and configure Call of Duty Radient, the call of duty map editor. This is available from CNET. Open the tool and find the first requested file. It should be in the Call Of Duty Folder in the folder located in the toolsbin folder. (See Resources.)

    • 2

      Open the editor and create a new map by going to the file menu and selecting "New Map."

    • 3

      Create a box by selecting the box tool. Drag it out in the 2D window on the left until you have a large, rectangular box that looks like a top down view of a wall. Repeat this four times until you have a square or rectangle with four walls.

    • 4

      Go to the Textures menu and click on "Common." You will see a number of options for textures, select the one called "caulk" and apply it to the outside of the walls of the room you have created. This is a placeholder for walls that won't be seen in the game.

    • 5

      Deselect all the objects in the room by pressing escape and then scroll through the textures menu to find a concrete texture. Hold down "Control" and "Left Shift" and click on the faces you wish to apply the texture to. This should be the inside of the walls and the floor of the room you have created.

    • 6

      Create a huge box that surrounds your whole map using the same box tool we used for the walls. While you have the block selected, check the box for hollow. This will create the sides, but not fill the center. Select each of the sides, make sure they don't overlap and apply a sky texture to them. This will be your sky box.

    • 7

      With the skybox still selected, press "F" and click on the "entities" tab at the bottom left. Values and keys for the sky settings need to be entered, but for the moment use the values below:


      "northyaw" "90"

      "_color" "1 .95 .95"

      "ambient" "0.05"

      "sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.82 0.85"

      "diffusefraction" "0.31"

      "classname" "worldspawn"

      "sundirection" "-137.8 305 0"

      "suncolor" "0.9 0.95 1"

      "sunlight" "1.5"


      Enter "northyaw" for the key and "90" for the value, and so on down the list. This are the settings from the default map "Breakout." You can change these settings to create the sky effects you want. They are called "worldspawn settings."

    • 8

      Add a light by right clicking within the room and selecting light from the long list of options that appears. You can change the radius and color of the light using the options that appear if you would like, but for now the defaults work fine.

    • 9

      Add spawn points to the map by right-clicking and selecting "tdmspawn," "dmspawn" or both. Make sure the box that appears touches the floor and nothing else; otherwise, players will not spawn correctly, and you will not be able to use your map.

    • 10

      Add a camera spawn point by right-clicking and selecting "global_intermission" from the list of options. This is where players will spectate from before they spawn.

    • 11

      Save your map as "mp_testmap1." Do not forget the mp_; otherwise, your map will not show up.

    • 12

      Open the CoD Compile Tool that should have been in the same package as the downloaded map editor. At the very top, browse to your Activision folder and select "Call Of Duty 2." Under the map_source dialogue box, select your map. Leave the other settings as their defaults and then click "Compile."

    • 13

      Wait for the screen to come back and then open "Call Of Duty 2" and start a new server with the "pure" setting set to "no." Once the game loads open the console with the tilde button (`) and type "map mp_testmap1" into the console. You should see a default load screen and then spawn in your map. © HT Games