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A List of Ore Mining Locations in WoW

The mining profession in "World of Warcraft" is used to locate and mine ore from around Azeroth. This ore can be refined into the miner into pure metals and alloys for use by other professions, such as blacksmiths, jewelers and engineers. Ore deposits also contain stones and gems which are also used in crafting. Every miner has the "Find Minerals" skill, which displays ore deposits on the mini-map. You need to be in the correct area before you can locate these deposits.
  1. Apprentice Miners

    • Miners that have learned apprentice mining can mine copper, tin and silver ore as long as he has the minimum skill for each type of metal. Copper ore can be gathered at skill level one. Copper deposits are in Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, Mulgore, Durotar, the Barrens, Darkshore, Ashenvale, Thousand Needles, Westfall, Hillsbrad Foothills and Tirisfal Glades. Tin ore can be gathered at skill level 65, and are in Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, the Barrens, Darkshore, Duskwood, Ghostlands, Hillsbrad Foothills, Loch Modan, Redridge Mountains, Silverpine Forest, Thousand Needles, Westfall and Wetlands. Silver ore can be gathered at skill level 75. Silver deposits are in Arathi Highlands, Badlands, the Barrens, Duskwood, Hillsbrad Foothills, Thousand Needles and Stranglethorn Vale.

    Journeyman Miners

    • The only additional metal that can be mined with journeyman mining is iron ore, which requires a skill level of 125. Iron deposits are found in Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Badlands, Stranglethorn Vale, Thousand Needles and Dustwallow Marsh.

    Expert Miners

    • If you're at 155 skill you can mine gold and at 175 skill you can get Mithril. Once you reach 205 skill you will be able to mine Truesilver. Gold deposits are in the Arathi Highlands, Badlands and Burning Steppes. Mithril ore is in the Badlands, Tanaris, Searing Gorge, the Hinterlands, Stonetalon Mountains and Arathi Highlands. Truesilver deposits are in the Burning Steppes, Un'Goro Crater and Stormgarde Keep. You need to learn expert mining before these three metals are available.

    Artisan Miners

    • Artisan mining is the highest mining skill you can learn without owning any of the expansion packs for "World of Warcraft." Fel iron cannot be mined without the "Burning Crusades" expansion because the area its deposits are located in are not accessible without it. With artisan mining you can begin mining dark iron at 230 skill, small thorium at 230 skill, rich thorium at 275 skill and fel iron at 300 skill. Dark iron deposits are in the Molten Core and Blackrock Depths. Small thorium and rich thorium both contain thorium ore, but rich deposits contain more ore in each deposit. Both types of thorium deposit can be found in the Burning Steppes, Un'Goro Crater and Silithus. Small thorium deposits can also be found in the Felwood. Rich thorium deposits can also be found in Winterspring and Eastern Plaguelands. Fel iron deposits appear in every area of the Outland continent, but Hellfire Peninsula is the where it's most commonly found.

    Master Miners

    • Master mining is an addition skill added in the "Burning Crusades" expansion. This skill allows you to mine admantite at 325 skill, nethercite at 350 skill, cobalt at 350 skill and khorium at 375 skill. Admantite deposits can be found in Blade's Edge Mountains, Nagrand, Terokkar Forest, Zangramarsh, Isle of Quel'Danas and Shadowmoon Valley. Nethercite deposits can be found in Netherwing Lodge, Netherwing Mines and Dragonmaw Fortress. Cobalt deposits are found in Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight and Grizzly Hills. Khorium deposits are found in Nagrand and Zangramarsh. The areas containing admantite, nethercite and khorium are only accessible with the "Burning Crusades" expansion. Cobalt requires the "Wraith of the Lich King" expansion.

    Grand Master Miners

    • The "Wraith of the Lich King" expansion added the skill grand master mining, which allow you to harvest saronite at 400 skill, obsidium at 425 skill and titanium at 450 skill. Saronite deposits can be found in Sholazar Basin, Icecrown, Storm Peaks, Wintergrasp and Zul'Drak. Obsidium deposits can be found in Deepholm. Titanium deposits can be found in Icecrown, Sholazar Basin, Storm Peaks and Wintergrasp. Obsidium is the only one of these metals not available with the "Wraith of the Lich King" expansion. You must have the "Cataclysm" expansion to reach obsidium deposits.

    Illustrious Miners

    • Illustrious mining is the final skill level for the mining profession. You must have the "Cataclysm" expansion in order to learn it. This skill is required to harvest elementium and pyrite. Elementium requires 475 skill. Pyrite requires 525 skill. Both types of deposits can be found in Mount Hyjal, Vashj'ir, Deepholm, Uldum, Twilight Highlands and Tol Barad. © HT Games