Level your character to at least 80 before attempting to acquire Mekgineer's Chopper. The mount is designed to be used by higher-leveled characters. Although any level can ride in the side car, the main character driving it must have reached a minimum level of 80.
Enroll your character in the Engineering profession and level your skill to at least 450. You must also be Exalted with the Alliance Vanguard to purchase the Schematic: Mekgineer's Chopper. Keep this in mind and complete quests with the Valiance Expedition, Explorers' League, The Frostborn and the Silver Covenant as you level your toon. Visit Logistics Officer Silverstone at Valiance Keep or Logistics Officer Brighton at Valgarde to purchase the schematic.
Gather the necessary materials to build Mekgineer's Chopper. The bike requires one Salvaged Iron Golem Parts, eight Goblin-machine Pistons and one Elementium-plated Exhaust pipe, available from Roxi Ramrocket at K3 in the Storm Peaks. It also requires 12 Titalsteel Bars, 40 Handful of Cobalt Bolts and two Arctic Fur that you can either make or purchase from the auction house.
Place the necessary materials in your bag and click on the Professions button in your tool bar. Click on the Engineering button and scroll down until you find the listing for Mekgineer's Chopper. Hit the "Create" button at the bottom of the Professions window to create your Mekgineer's Chopper.
Advertise in the Trade Channel for an Engineer with the Mekgineer's Chopper plans if you don't want to level your Engineering. Post that you have all the required mats and will tip well for an interested Engineer. If you find an interested party, stand next to them and right click on his picture at the top of your screen and then scroll down to "Trade." Hit the B button on your keyboard to open your bag and right click on each item you want to transfer over. Click on the space next to the gold coin in the lower right portion of the window to include a tip with your mats and click on "Trade." The party will craft the bike and open a trade to send it over to you. Because a Mekgineer's Chopper costs a substantial amount, a tip of two or three thousand gold is not uncommon for the Engineer's trouble.
Purchase the Mekgineer's Chopper from the auction house if your toon does not have an Engineering profession. Visit the auction house in the nearest faction-friendly city and click on one of the auctioneers. Type "Mekgineer's Chopper" into the search window and hit "Enter." Prices for a finished chopper can range anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 gold. Click on the item you wish to purchase, click the "Buyout" button on the bottom of the frame and then pick up your new Mekgineer's Chopper from the closest mailbox.