Travel to any friendly major city, such as Orgrimmar for the Horde or Stormwind for the Alliance.
Locate the mining trainer. Smelting requires a forge, and the mining trainer is always standing next to one. If you cannot find the mining trainer, ask a guard to place a marker on your in-game map.
Click the smelting icon, which has a picture of a trailing-point knife engulfed in flames. A dialog box will appear on your screen.
Click "Steel bar." If you have the ingredients to make it, which are one iron bar and one coal piece, it will display a number in parentheses. The number represents how many bars you can make based with your on-hand ingredients. For example, if you have 10 iron bars and 10 coal pieces, it will read "Steel bar (10)" in your list.
Click "Create" to make one bar. Click "Create All" to make the amount indicated in the parentheses.