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What Are the Ingredients to Make Fire Crystals?

Growing your own fire crystals by gardening in your Mog House instead of buying them on the auction house can save you gil in "Final Fantasy XI." For serious crafters, especially blacksmiths and goldsmiths, gardening makes your tradeskills easier to level, since you can grow your own ingredients as well. Growing fire crystals is simple, all you need to get started are flower pots and water crystals.
  1. Brass Flower Pots

    • Brass flower pots can be purchased for 920-1020 gil (depending on your fame) from the NPC Boytz located at (H-7) in Bastok Mines. While you can use other types of pots, the brass ones yield the highest amount of fire crystals.

    Water Crystals

    • You can find water crystals by fighting water-based enemies such as crabs, pugils and mantas. You can also defeat Water Elementals to receive water clusters, which are equivalent to 12 water crystals.

    Herb Seeds

    • You can find herb seeds from Strolling Saplings in La Theine Plateau, Konschtat Highlands and Tahrongi Canyon, as well as from Wandering Saplings in Jugner Forest and Meriphataud Mountains. If you are a thief, you can also steal the seeds from Strolling Saplings in Tahrongi Canyon. Alternatively, you can find them by chocobo digging in East Sarutabaruta and by harvesting in West Sarutabaruta or Giddeus. You can also opt to buy them from other plays on the auction house.

    Setting Up Your Plants

    • Place the flowerpots in your Mog House by placing them in your Mog Safe and choosing Layout in the Menu section. Plant your herb seeds in the pots, and feed the plants using water crystals when your Moogle tells you they are ready to be fed. Your Moogle will then take care of the plants, but you still have to visit them at least once per day or they will die. Eventually your Moogle will let you know they are ready to be harvested. From each pot, you can expect between 12 to 18 fire crystals.

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