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How to Change a Non-playable Sim on The Sims 3

"The Sims 3" is a simulation game that allows you to take control of the lives of multiple avatars called Sims. The game is full of your created characters, as well as dozens of non-playable characters. These characters have their own motivations and goals for choosing their actions, but, as long as you don't mind activating cheat codes, you can edit everything about another Sim, including its traits, age or even career.


    • 1

      Press "Cntl-Shift-C" to open the game's cheat prompt. A small window with a blinking cursor will appear at the top-left of the game's screen.

    • 2

      Type "testingcheatsenabled true" without the quotation marks and press the "Enter" key to enable cheat codes in the game.

    • 3

      Hold the "Shift" key and click on the Sim you want to edit. A list of options will appear around the Sim, most of which enable you to change characteristics of the Sim. For example, to change the age of the Sim, click the "Force Aging" option. A window will appear allowing you customize the age of the Sim. © HT Games