Cast the spell Protect from Magic, available from the mage class or through a scroll, on every player in the group. This spell decreases the damage the Gluttonous Behemoth does to you.
Enter the boss room with everyone in your group at the same time.
Stand in front of each Bovimastyx carcass, located in the corners of the room. Depending on the number of players in your group, the number of carcasses changes. When the boss reaches less than 50 percent health, he attempts to feed on a carcass to regain his health. With members of your group standing in front of the carcass, the boss cannot heal himself.
Attack the boss with any weapons that crush or slash, such as swords, axes or warhammers. The boss is weak against these physical attacks, so they do more damage.
Heal any members of the group whose health reaches 50 percent or lower.
Continue to attack the Gluttonous Behemoth until his health bar, visible above him, is depleted.