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How to Play Ragnarok

"Ragnarok: Online" is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game for the PC. It was developed by the South Korean video game corporation "Gravity Co., Ltd." The game was released in 2002 in South Korea and in 2003 it made its way to the United States. This PC title is based on the South Korean 1995 comic book "Ragnarok," created by Lee Myung-jin. The plot and style of the comic and the game are heavily influenced by Norse mythology. You will need to sign up for an account before you can play this online game.


  1. Getting Started

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      Enter the internet address "" into your computer's browser. Select the country or region you live in. If in the U.S., click on "U.S.A INT'L."

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      Select "Register Free Now" and then choose "Register."

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      Type in your email address, the password you want to use for the game, your game ID, gender and date of birth in the corresponding boxes. An email will be immediately sent to you with a link to finalize to your account.

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      Open the email sent to you and click on the link. Select "Add a New Game Account" and then choose "Ragnarok."

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      Enter a game account name, password and your gender, then select "Register."

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      Go to the webpage "" Choose "Client Download" and then "Ragnarok Download." Allow the 1.42GB game file time to download.

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      Double-click on the file when it finishes downloading. Select "Begin Installation" and wait for it to install.

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      Load the game and enter your ID and password on the main screen to access to the server.

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      Select one of the five empty slots and then the "Make" option in the character selection screen, which appears automatically as soon as you log in.

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      Set the stats for your character's attributes from 30 points. You can give points for strength, agility, vitality, intelligence, dexterity and luck. You can also make you character as imbalanced or all-round as you like.

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      Select the arrows next to your character's head to change its hairstyle and hair color.

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      Type in a name for your character into the "Name box" and then click "OK" to start the game. You are now free to explore "Ragnarok." The main functions in this game are controlled with the mouse by choosing from the on-screen options, but there are also some quick controls that are important to know.

    Quick controls

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      Press the "Insert" key to make your character sit or stand, depending on which one it was already doing.

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      Hold "Shift" and click on a character for the camera to follow that character around. Click an area of the screen as you hold "Shift" to make your character face in that direction.

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      Press and hold "Alt" as you push the "E" key to open and close the inventory screen. Press "Alt" and "End" together to switch the character status bar on and off.

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      Hit the "Esc" key to open the menu with the option to end the game. The same key also closes the menu if you change your mind. © HT Games