Complete the quest, Taming the Beast, given to you by your Hunter trainer when you have reached Level 10. When you complete this quest, you receive the Tame Beast skill.
Impair the animal's attack or movement with a status altering skill, such as the Hunter's Freezing Trap or Concussive Shot.
Perform the Tame Beast skill. When you perform this skill, your armor is decreased 100 percent and you cannot perform any other actions, including moving, for the duration of the spell. Tame Beast lasts for 20 seconds.
Wait 20 seconds while you perform the skill; do not perform any other action. The "Tame Beast" bar at the bottom of the screen shows the remaining time of the skill. Once the taming is successful, the animal appears at your side or, if you already are traveling with a tamed animal, the newly tamed animal is sent to your stable, accessible at any major city.