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Rogue Fighting Techniques

Rogues are a character class in fantasy role playing games that specializes in stealth and backstabbing, but their quickness means that they can also be deadly when confronted directly. Rogues in "World of Warcraft" have developed a fighting style which rests upon their ability to surprise and overwhelm their foes, before delivering a deadly finisher. To achieve this, they all possess a number of non-combat techniques which directly augment their fighting ability.
  1. Opening Moves

    • Rogues use opening moves to begin a fight and rapidly put their opponent on the defensive. Opening moves are powerful attacks and can be initiated while the rogue is in the "Stealth" mode. However, as soon as the rogue initiates the attack, they emerge out of "Stealth" mode. Players using rogues often like to quickly attack the enemy using an opening move, vanish, and then attack again. Examples of opening moves include: "Ambush," which requires a dagger in hand and causes massive damage; "Cheap Shot," which requires Stealth and stuns the opponent for four seconds; and "Sap," which disorientates the opponent for a short spell and requires Stealth.

    Combo Moves

    • Combo moves are the most commonly used of the rogue's arsenal of techniques. By using combo moves, the rogue can generate combo points, and when he has amassed a suitable amount, a finishing move can be performed. While combo moves are not generally as powerful as openers or finishers, rogues generally deal most of their damage using combos. Examples of combo moves include: "Sinister Strike," which is a regular weapon attack strengthened by a fixed amount of additional damage; "Dismantle," which disarms the enemy, removing all armor, weapons, and protection for a spell of 10 seconds; and "Shiv," which is an instant off-hand weapon attack, which strikes the rogue's opponent with poison from their off-hand.

    Finishing Moves

    • Finishing moves are the rogue's most powerful attack techniques are require a sufficient amount of combo points to unleash them. Applying the correct finishing move in the right context, is key attribute of a skilled rogue. Examples of finishing moves include: "Eviscerate," which is a powerful attack which deals higher damage with more combo points; "Rupture," which is a strike that causes damage over time, increasing with each additional combo point; and "Deadly Throw," which reduces the target's speed by 50 percent for six seconds and enables thrown weapons to cause more damage proportional to additional combat points.

    Subtlety Abilities

    • "Subtlety" abilities encompass the non-combat techniques which rogues can perform. The rogue's non-combat techniques include: "Stealth," which enables the rogue to creep with a reduced movement speed trade-off; "Pick Pocket," which enables rogues to steal items from mobs, requiring Stealth to perform; and "Vanish," which enables the rogue to vanish from sight, initiating an improved Stealth mode for ten seconds.

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