Complete the "To Lay a ghost to rest" quest. Rhode can provide this quest, which involves going to the back of the chapel and defeating a ghost.
Get the quest "Looking for Lovis" from Zandalor. Head to the northwest side of the tower and climb the ladders close to the bridge.
Walk to the locked gate and advance right from the shrine. Find the platforms and jump on each until you reach a lever. Flip it to open the gate.
Get into the previously locked gate. Jump on the platform near the corpse and keep on jumping until you reach another lever. Flip the lever again to open a gate.
Climb the ramp on the left. Follows the ladders that lead up to the top. Activate the pressure plate closest to the ladder next to a gargoyle. Activate the nearest plate and follow the one closest to the locked gate. Press the remaining plate to open the gate.
Choose the right path when it splits and proceeds down the ladder. Jump inside the tower.