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List of Tombs in the Sims 3

"The Sims 3" allows gamers to live another life in a simulated universe. From learning to working, Sims lives parallel that of their human controllers. With the World Adventures expansions, Sims can take exotic vacations as well. With each travel destination, players have plenty of activities from making nectar and martial arts to photography and tomb raiding.
  1. Tombs in the Sims 3

    • The Tombs offer a way for Sims to gain visa points through adventuring. The tombs also give Sims opportunities to collect relics, which count toward relic collections for each of the regions. Treasure-hunting Sims may also find gems and precious metals, which makes the vacation profitable for the Sim. When tomb raiding, the Pangu's Axe comes in handy. Found in China's Temple of Heaven, Pangu's Axe allows Sims to smash entrance-barring boulders.

    Al Simhara, Egypt

    • Egypt contains nine tombs. The tombs vary in complexity, with some tombs requiring offerings or keystones to gain entry. The available tombs for Egypt include Abu Simbel, Copper Quarry, Great Pyramid, Great Sphinx, Pyramid of the Burning Sands, Pyramid of the Sky, Pyramid of the Wind, The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut and Tomb of Discovery. Each tomb holds a mystery or adventure. The Great Sphinx, for example, houses a mummy that curses intruders.

    Champs Les Sims, France

    • The tombs in France reside in places like mansions, museums and gardens. Overall, France contains five tombs locations. These tombs include Chateau du Landgraab, Forgotten Burial Mound, La Gallerie d'Art, Nectar Cellar and Tuatha's Garden. Places like the Nectary Cellar contain two tombs, the Tomb of Jean Necteaux and the Tomb of Isael. The Tomb of Isael becomes unlockable after completing adventure quests in Egypt.

    Shang Simla, China

    • China's tombs consist of Dong Huo's Treasure Trove, The Dragon's Maw, Halls of the Lost Army, Hot Springs Cave, Market Caverns, Resolute Fist Retreat, Temple Heaven and Tomb of the First Emperor. Like in the other areas, some of these tombs require special skills. The Resolute Fist Retreat, for example, requires the Sim to acquire martial arts skills.

    Tomb Building

    • The World Adventures expansion offers gamers a chance to create their own tombs in the edit mode. To build tombs, the gamer must choose a location in a foreign city. In addition, they must build the tomb on a vacant lot. Like in the other tombs, switches, triggers and treasures can be added to tombs. © HT Games