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How to Have a Bot in Spore

"Spore" is a computer game created by EA Games. The goal is to create a race that will eventually take over multiple planets and galaxies. Players begin as a single cell organism and must evolve into a land creature. At the creature stage, players can form alliances or enemies and recruit members to their pack. Once the creature stage is completed, players evolve to the tribe stage, the civilization stage and finally the space stage. Robot or "bot" parts appear in the civilization stage but are used heavily in the space stage.


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      Evolve from a organism into a land creature. Eat either meat or plant materials based on whether your animal is a vegetarian or carnivorous. Avoid larger carnivorous organisms that will attack or eat you. Find a mate by using the heart button at the top of the evolution bar. Purchase parts to swim faster, defend yourself or eat like an omnivore. Watch the evolution bar to see when you will evolve.

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      Fight or charm fellow land creatures once you have evolved. Look at the smiley face icon next to the creature's name before approaching it; if the face is neutral, you can ally or fight them. If the face is angry, players can fight or run away but not ally. Gain a tribe by allying with creatures that have specific strengths. If your creature can sing only at level one, ally with an animal that sings at level four. Continue to ally or fight to gain points and purchase parts for your species. Evolve to the tribal stage.

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      Ally or fight neighboring tribes much like in the creature stage. Build houses and purchase items for your tribe. Every new stage takes longer to evolve than the last. Attain bot levels by reaching the civilization stage.

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      Enter the evolution building area once at the civilization stage to purchase bot parts. Sell any useless parts on your creature to make more money. Take over neighboring civilizations using religion or by force to make more money for bot items. Take over the entire planet to evolve to the space stage and receive more bot parts. Make your creature completely robotic in the space stage by taking over other planets and gaining money. © HT Games