Select a server that is located near to you by looking for geographical information about the server in the server name field. Some servers do not list geographical information, but many do and choosing a server located close to you is always a good idea because packets sent by your computer to the server have to traverse a physical distance and it helps if that distance is as short as possible.
Ask any family members or roommates that use the same Internet connection as you, not use any Internet bandwidth while you are playing. This does not mean they have to stop using the Internet entirely, but to refrain from bandwidth heavy tasks such as looking at large amounts of images, watching Internet video or running file-sharing programs.
Turn off any programs on your own computer that may be using even insignificant amounts of bandwidth. Some websites, for instance, are set to refresh every few minutes, which uses bandwidth and file sharing programs like Azureus use large amounts of bandwidth, which can significantly raise ping in games like "War Rock."
Change your Internet connection to something with more bandwidth if nothing else works. Most Internet service providers have several different tiers of service to choose from and increasing the total amount of bandwidth of your connection may help to lower the ping of your online multiplayer games. Be advised, however, you will pay more for the increase.