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Good Places to Mine Silver in WOW

While silver in "World of Warcraft" is a low-level ore, it's considerably more difficult to acquire than other low-level ores, such as copper and tin. Silver occurs where tin normally does. Silver veins only appear on Azeroth and only in zones that cater to lower and medium levels, such as level 35 and below. Gathering silver requires you to have acquired 75 skill points in mining.
  1. Stranglethorn Vale

    • Stranglethorn Vale is divided into two subzones named North Stranlgethorn and the Cape of Stranglethorn. North Stranglethorn contains the bulk of the silver, but veins also appear in the Cape. There's no specific pattern you should take to find the silver veins, because all of Stranglethorn is hilly and thus filled with mineral veins.

    Hillsbrad Foothills

    • The southern part of the Hillsbrad Foothills is mostly flat land and isn't ripe for mineral veins of any type. The northern part however, and in particular the Ruins of Alterac, is a mountainous landscape. Silver veins occur inside the Ruins of Alterac and on the outside ledge. The veins also wrap around the northeastern mountain that boarders the Western Plaguelands. You may also find a few silver mines south of Alterac, along the three humps.


    • The island of Feathermoon contains no mineral veins, but the mainland is populated with a variety of them, including silver. The veins in the southeastern side of the zone appear sporadically. There's no pattern to follow. Silver occurs most frequently in the northern part of the zone, especially along the mountain that runs through Dreamer's Rest. The most efficient strategy is to start out on the southern side of northern zone and run along the mountain until you reach the Desolace border, then turn left and run along the mountain until you reach your initial starting point.

    Stonetalon Mountains

    • As the name suggests, the landscape of Stonetalon Mountains is rugged and mountainous. While silver mines occur all over the zone, there's no path to make the silver gathering efficient. It's best to avoid the edges of the zone, as silver tends to occur more frequently through the middle.

    Stonetalon Mountains

    • The Stonetalon Mountains marks the last zone where silver occurs frequently. However, the mineral does popular other zones, including the Arathi Highlands, Southern Barrens, Desolace, Duskwood and the Wetlands. It's often not efficient to mine solely in these areas, but if one of those zones borders a zone you're already visiting, it may be worth your time to run through and see if you can spot any silver. © HT Games