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How to Spook Birds in Virtual Villagers 2

Getting food is an essential element in "Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children." If your village does not have enough food to support itself your villagers will get sick and die. Raising crops provides a regular food supply after you've depleted the fish and coconuts, but not if the birds keep eating them. That's why you need to build something that will spook them permanently.


    • 1

      Improve one of your villagers farming skills until they are an adept or master farmer. Farming skills can be improved by fishing and collecting coconuts (if you have purchased the Level 2 farming with your tech points).

    • 2

      Locate the twisted wood and vines on the map. The wood and vines are north of the Research Table just below the rocks.

    • 3

      Pick up your skilled farmer and drop him on the wood and vines. He will gather some materials and start constructing a scarecrow near the fertile soil.

    • 4

      Wait for the Master Farmer to finish the first half of the scarecrow and walk away. Then, pick him up and drop him on the wood and vines a second time. This will complete the scarecrow and keep the birds away from the crops. © HT Games