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How to Build a Juggernaut in Firestorm

The Juggernaut Mk. I is one of the new units added to the Global Defense Initiative forces in the "Firestorm" expansion of the video game, "Command &Conquer: Tiberian Sun." The Juggernaut is a mobile artillery platform that functions similar to the Brotherhood of Nod Deployable Artillery unit. The Juggernaut must deploy, rendering it completely immobile, before it can fire. Once deployed the range of the Juggernaut's weapons is far larger than anything outside other artillery units. The Juggernaut needs to be supported by other units due to its inability to hit targets at short range.

Things You'll Need

  • Mobile Construction Vehicle
  • 6700 Credits
  • 950 Credits (per Juggernaut)
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    • 1

      Deploy your Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) to create a Construction Yard. You start out each game with one of these units. This is the prerequisite for the Power Plant.

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      Build a Power Plant. This structure costs 300 credits. This is a prerequisite for the Tiberium Refinery.

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      Build a Tiberium Refinery. This structure costs 2,000 credits. The Tiberium Refinery processes Tiberium gathered by Harvesters and converts it into credits. It is necessary to build one to acquire enough credits to build all of the prerequisite structures for the Juggernaut. It is also the prerequisite for the War Factory and Radar.

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      Build a War Factory. This structure costs 2,000 credits. The Harvester and Juggernaut are both built here.

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      Build a Harvester. This unit costs 1,400 credits. It is not directly required to build the Juggernaut, but you need one before your Tiberium Refinery can start making credits.

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      Build a Radar. This structure costs 1,000 credits.

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      Build a Juggernaut. It costs 950 credits for each one. © HT Games