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How to Castle in the Chessmaster: Grandmaster Edition

Castling is a special defensive maneuver in chess that alleviates pressure from your king while simultaneously bringing one of your rooks into play. It helps guard against the natural pressure that builds in the center of the board by moving the king to one of the corners behind a pawn wall. While an inexperienced player could illegally castle in a live game, in Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition the computer will prevent you from performing an illegal castle.


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      Ensure that you can legally castle. It is legal to castle when the king and the rook that are castling have not moved from their original positions, there are no pieces standing in between the king and the rook, your king is not presently in check and the king will not cross over or land on a square that is under attack by an enemy piece.

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      Hover the cursor over your king. Click and hold the left mouse button.

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      Move your king two squares to the left or right, depending on where you want him to castle (and where it is legal to castle). Release the left mouse button. Your king will move into the castling position, and the rook will be moved automatically into its new position. © HT Games