Choose one player to be the banker. Although the electronic banker takes care of the basic banking duties, it still must be controlled by a human player. This player's main duty is to input information such as when a player purchases a property, passes "Go" or lands on a property owned by another player.
Choose your Monopoly game piece. Every player should chose one piece and place it on the "Go" space. Each player should also choose a Monopoly card. The Monopoly card is used in conjunction with the electronic banker to keep track of your funds.
Turn on the banker unit and insert each player's card into the green slot. This will automatically give each player the $15 million with which they begin.
Play the game. When spending or losing money such as purchasing property or landing on an opponent's property, the player's Monopoly card should be inserted into the red slot on the banker unit and the human banker should input how much money they've lost. The green slot is used in the same way to add money. Money is transferred by placing one card in the green slot and another card in the red slot at the same time. The rest of the game is played according to traditional Monopoly rules.