Things You'll Need
Set the number of points a person has to obtain to win the game. For example, set the point level to 200 for a short game and 500 for a longer game.
Have each player take five dice randomly out of the storage pouch. Each player then rolls the dice that they have chosen in front of all the other players. This is called a player's "hand" and it is visible to everyone.
Pull out a single die from the storage pouch and roll it onto the playing area. This will be known as the center die.
Start play by beginning with the person who rolled the center die. The object is to try and pick something from your hand that matches the center die. This can be done if the colors match, the numbers match or the command matches.
Place your matching die into the center to become the new center die. Take the old center die and place it back into the pouch for further play.
Reroll your hand if you have nothing that matches. If you still don't have anything that matches, pull a new die out of the pouch if one is available. Roll this die. If you still don't have any dice matching the center die, your turn is over.
Continue play to the left.
Announce "Uno!" when you have one die left in your hand. If you don't announce this and another player catches you, you have to draw two dice from the pouch.
Win the round by getting rid of all the dice in your hand. This player then gets any points that are left over in other people's hands.
Continue play until a winner is determined by reaching the set amount of points all players have discussed.