Things You'll Need
Preparation to Play
Open the board game and make sure you have all of the pieces, including a deck of game cards, one die and the sound timer.
Decide on teams. Teams can be anywhere from two to six people in size, with each taking turns.
Decide which team or individual should go first.
Playing the Game
The team or individual going first rolls the die.
The team or individual going first draws a card and reads it. The card names three items. The team or individual chooses one.
The opposing team starts the timer. Using the number from the rolled die, the playing team must name that many items from the card before the timer goes off.
Should the playing team or individual complete the list with the required number, they keep the card.
The opposing team or individual then starts their turn by rolling the die and choosing their card. Teams go back and forth until there are no more cards. The team or individual with the most cards at the end of the game wins.