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Dogopoly Rules

Monopoly has inspired many "opoly" games, with players buying and selling various themed properties. If you are a Monopoly fan looking for a game that has gone to the dogs, there is a fun version out there for you. If you know how Monopoly works, you can pick up the rules of Dogopoly with relative ease.
  1. Basics

    • Whoever acts as banker for the game distributes $1,630 to each player and keeps his personal finances separate from the bank. Bankers distribute cash, big bones, deeds and dog houses. As a player, you earn money whenever you land on or pass "Go Fetch" ($200) and also from dog cards and mortgages. Only the bank can loan money via mortgage to players; you cannot loan money to another player.

      Excluding a property's purchase price and rents, all money you pay the bank goes into the center of the board. If you land on "Free Barking," you collect all of that money.

      Starting at "Go Fetch," if you have the highest dice roll, you go first and move your token the number of spaces shown on the dice. Follow the directions for whatever space you land on. You then give the dice to the player on your left, and so on until all players have a turn.

    The Kennel

    • Should you roll doubles three consecutive times during your turn, go to the kennel as "punishment," and do not collect $200 if you pass "Go Fetch." If you land on the kennel space during your turn, you are "just sniffing" and simply roll on your next turn and continue movement.

      If you either roll doubles three times or are directed to the kennel by a dog card, you leave the kennel only by rolling doubles in any of your next three turns. If successful, move forward but do not roll again. If you fail to roll doubles within three rolls, put $100 in the board's center and advance the number of spaces of your third roll.


    • Upon purchasing dogs, you receive deeds, but if you choose not to buy a dog, other players can engage in an auction. You pay the specified rent upon landing on an owned dog, though you pay nothing if the dog is mortgaged.

      If you own all deeds of the same color, you may purchase dog houses for those properties and charge twice the rent for undeveloped properties. You cannot put more than one dog house on any property until every property has at least one dog house. If you have four dog houses on each color group's property, you can return dog houses to the bank and purchase a big bone. However, you only can place one big bone on each property.

      While you cannot sell dog houses and big bones to other players, you can sell dogs to each other. You can sell dog houses and big bones back to the bank at half the price you paid.

      You can mortgage undeveloped properties to the bank. First, you must sell all dog houses and big bones. If you want to lift a mortgage, you pay 10 percent interest on top of the mortgage amount.


    • If you reach bankruptcy status, the creditor receives all of your assets and you exit the game. If you own dog houses and big bones, the bank buys them back at half price. The creditor receives the cash but cannot claim mortgaged property until he pays the bank the 10 percent on top of the full mortgage amount.

      If the bank is the creditor, it receives the assets and instantly holds an auction for all the of your property (except dog houses and big bones). The last player remaining in the game wins. © HT Games