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Tips on Electronic Battleship

"You sank my battleship!" is the last thing any player wants to say when playing Electronic Battleship. Most players tend to take the "random" approach while playing, both in setting the ships' locations and in calling the grids to attack. However, a more strategic method may give you an upper hand against your opponents.
  1. Strategy Not Randomness

    • The key is strategy, because Electronic Battleship is, in essence, a strategic game. The first tip is to know your opponent. As you play the game, keep a mental note on how your opponent plays. Even an opponent who does things "randomly" will, in time, reveal a pattern he is not aware of. Also, most players tend to do similar things, like avoid placing their ships on the edges or corners of the boards and avoid grouping ships.

      When calling attack grids, do so in a crisscross pattern, starting at, for example, A1, then B2, then C3, etc. Another method is to hit every other grid until you find a ship, expanding to every three grids once the little two-grid U-boat is sunk. Once you score a hit, close in and attack every grid next to that hit until you figure out which direction the ship is laid out.

      While placing your own ships in a random, spread-out fashion while avoiding the edges and corners is sound strategy, you can also trip up your opponent if, every now and then, you group two or three at the edge or in a corner. It may take your opponent longer to find the grouping and temporarily throw him off in his assumption that he's hitting only one ship. It is not recommended grouping ships in every round because then you'll be predictable. © HT Games