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Mouse Trap Rules

Mouse Trap is a well-known Milton Bradley board game involving a large contraption on the game board used to capture the playing pieces. Many kids set up the trap and watch it operate. But there is a way to play the game.
  1. Opening Setup

    • The parts for the trap are placed around, but not on, the game board, while the cheese pieces are laid out in their own pile. Players each place a mouse piece at the start space, and the youngest player goes first, with the remaining turns going clockwise.

    Building the Trap

    • Build spaces are the numbered spaces on the board. A player who lands on a space installs a piece of the trap, but only if the space has a number equal to the number of players in the game.

    Cheese Cards

    • Players collect a cheese card for building a piece of the trap. If they land on the build space around the cheese wheel, they build two parts of the trap and get two cheese pieces. They can gain and lose pieces from other places on the board.

    Trapping Opponents

    • Once the trap is assembled, a player turns the crank upon landing on the "Turn Crank" space when an opponent is on the cheese wheel. If the trap operates properly, the cage falls on the opponent's mouse. If it doesn't, the mouse goes to the Safe space.

    Moving Opponents

    • Players who land on "Turn Crank" can attempt to move an opponent's mouse onto the cheese wheel. They pay a cheese piece, roll the dice and move the opponent that number of spaces toward the wheel. They can do this up to three times on a turn provided they have enough cheese.


    • A trapped player is out of the game, and all of that player's cheese pieces go to the player who turned the crank. The last player left on the board wins the game. © HT Games