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How to Play German Parcheesi

German Parcheesi is a classic board game that is a cross between England's Ludo and India’s Pachesi. It was created in 1914 and is thought to have sold over 60 million copies. Known in Germany as Mensch ärgere dich nicht (meaning “Do not get angry”), it is simple to learn yet can easily cause players a bit of frustration. Take a deep breath and read on to find out how to play.


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      Prepare the game board. Players choose four game pieces in their desired color and place them on the“B” field section.

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      Determine who goes first. Each player takes a turn rolling the dice. The player with the highest die roll starts the game. Roll again if there is a tie.

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      Roll the die. Choose any one of your four game pieces and move it the appropriate number of spaces in the “A” field in a clockwise direction. You can jump over occupied spaces (yours or an opponent’s). If your piece lands on an opponent’s occupied space, remove his piece and put it back in his “B” field section.

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      Use strategy. After rolling the die on a turn, look around the board for opponents' pieces that are within your range of movement. This is an excellent strategy during the early stages of the game, as it will hopefully give you a chance to move further ahead before someone else tries the same thing on you.

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      Win the game. Each player must move all four of her pieces successfully around the board to reach her own personal goal area. (This is the vertical section directly in front of each player.) The player who places all four of her pieces in this section wins the game. © HT Games