Things You'll Need
Set out all your supplies. Visualize your design. Plan a start and ending point on the board. Or, players can continue around the board in a circle.
Draw out your game board path using a ruler or a compass and a pencil, from start to end by creating circles or squares. Once your game spaces are created, color them and write directions on various spaces (such as lose a turn, go forward 5 spaces, or draw a card).
Write directions with a marker that pertain to your game story on each name card. These become play cards on your board. Decorate the backside of each card with markers if your cards do not have a design on one side.
Color and decorate your figurines if you chose wooden game pieces. Set your figurines on start. These become the game piece for each player.
Use your computer to type out and print the contents and directions for your game. Make them simple and easy to follow. Contents should include a list of all game pieces included with your game.
Set die in the middle of the board and find some friends to play your new game.