Things You'll Need
Choose teams and choose a color for your team. In the event that teams are uneven, you can agree to leave them as they are, or you could appoint one person to the role of sole writer/sculptor/drawer. This makes it fair for everyone.
Choose an all-play to get the game started and determine who gets to go/move first. Whichever team correctly answers the all-play is permitted to move first. You may also roll to see who goes first, then begin play and pass the turn order to the left of whoever goes first.
Move forward the number of spaces indicated on the die. Choose a question based on the color of the space you land upon.
Have someone from another team read the question to you, and designate someone on your team as the person to draw/act/hum or whatever the card asks.
Set the timer once you're ready to begin. Then try whatever means you have available to get your teammates to guess the answer to the question posed.
Roll the dice and move again whenever you answer a question correctly.
Continue play until one team reaches the final square, in which the question asked is an all-play. If the team in the final space answers it correctly, they win! If another team answers correctly, they keep the game alive and are allowed to answer another question from the space they're on.