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What is on a monopoly board community chest and what?

Here's a breakdown of what's on the Community Chest cards in a Monopoly board game:

Community Chest Cards

There are 16 Community Chest cards in a standard Monopoly game. The specific cards can vary slightly across editions, but the general categories and themes remain consistent. Here's a typical breakdown:

Financial Gains:

* You inherit $100: This is a classic, providing a direct cash boost.

* Bank error in your favor: Collect $200: Another straightforward cash reward.

* Doctor's fees: Pay $50: This card can be a bit of a bummer, but it's generally not a major financial setback.

* You are assessed for street repairs: $40 per house, $115 per hotel: This can be a big hit depending on how many properties you have.

* Life Insurance matures: Collect $100: Another nice cash windfall.

* You have won second prize in a beauty contest: Collect $10: A small but welcome reward.

Financial Losses:

* Pay hospital fees of $100: This can be a substantial loss.

* Pay school taxes of $150: Another potential financial hit.

* You get $50 for attending a board meeting: This is more of a small inconvenience than a real financial loss.

Other Events:

* Go back three spaces: This can be beneficial or detrimental depending on your position on the board.

* Get out of jail free: A valuable card, especially if you're already in jail or anticipating getting caught in the future.

* You are elected chairman of the board: Pay $50 to each player: This can be a big expense if you're in a game with many players.

* Go to jail: Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200: This can be a real setback.

General Points to Remember:

* Randomness: The Community Chest cards are drawn randomly, adding an element of chance to the game.

* Financial Impact: They can significantly influence your financial status, leading to both gains and losses.

* Strategic Importance: Cards like "Get out of jail free" can be crucial for avoiding a stint in jail.

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