Objective: Be the first player to get all four of your pawns to the finish space.
Players: 2-4 players
* Gameboard
* 4 pawns per player (in different colors)
* Deck of 44 cards
* Dice
1. Each player chooses a color and takes four pawns of that color.
2. Place all pawns in the player's starting space (the "home" space).
3. Shuffle the deck of cards and place it face down in the center of the board.
1. First Player: The youngest player goes first.
2. Draw a Card: Each player draws a card from the top of the deck and follows the instructions on the card.
3. Card Types:
* 1-10: Move your pawn the number of spaces indicated.
* Sorry! Move one of your pawns from its current space back to your home space. This can be your own pawn or another player's pawn.
* Switch: Trade places with another player's pawn.
* Slide: Move your pawn to the next available space of the same color.
* Four of a Kind: Draw another card. (You can play that card too!)
* Go Back: Move your pawn back three spaces.
4. Special Spaces:
* Start: The starting space for each player.
* Finish: The final space on the board. The first player to get all four pawns to the finish space wins.
* Safe Spaces: Your pawn is safe from being sent back to home if it lands on a space of the same color as your pawn.
5. Moving Pawns:
* Starting: You can only move a pawn out of the home space by drawing a 1, 2, 4, or 5 card. If you draw any other card, you must keep it in your hand for the next turn.
* Landing on Another Pawn: If you land on a space occupied by an opponent's pawn, send it back to its home space. Say, "Sorry!"
* Slide: You can only slide if there is an empty space of the same color. You cannot slide over another player's pawn.
6. Winning: The first player to get all four of their pawns to the finish space wins the game.
Additional Rules:
* If you cannot play the card you draw, you must keep it in your hand and draw again on your next turn.
* If you draw a "Sorry!" card and cannot use it, you must keep it in your hand and draw again on your next turn.
* You cannot use a "Sorry!" card to send your own pawn back to home.
* If you draw a "Switch" card, you must trade spaces with a pawn on the board, you cannot choose to keep your pawn where it is.
* If you land on a space where your own pawn is already sitting, you can stack them. This does not prevent another player from sending one of your stacked pawns back to home.
* Short Game: Play with only two pawns per player.
* Team Play: Two players can team up against the other two.
* Rules Modifications: You can create your own rules for the game, such as limiting the number of "Sorry!" cards you can play in a row.
This is a general overview of the rules of the Sorry! board game. Remember to always check the official rule book for the most up-to-date and complete rules.