1. Names for board games in general?
* Tabletop games
* Board and card games
* Family games
* Party games
* Strategy games
* Dice games
* Tile-laying games
* Card games (though some are not board games)
* Wargames
2. Names for specific categories of board games?
* Abstract strategy games: Checkers, Chess, Go, Shogi, Othello, Hex
* Eurogames: Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Power Grid, Agricola
* American-style games: Monopoly, Clue, Risk, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit
* Party games: Cards Against Humanity, Codenames, Dixit, Telestrations
* Cooperative games: Pandemic, Forbidden Island, Spirit Island, Hanabi
* RPGs: Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu
3. Names for board game components?
* Pieces
* Meeples
* Tiles
* Cards
* Dice
* Tokens
* Boards
4. Names for board game mechanics?
* Deck building
* Area control
* Worker placement
* Set collection
* Engine building
* Resource management
5. Other terms related to board games:
* Game night
* Game master (for RPGs)
* Playtest
* Board game café
* Board game convention
Please provide more information about what you're looking for, and I can give you a more specific answer. 😊