HT Games

How to Kill a Piece in a Chess Game

Chess is a board game played between two players. The board is constructed of 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player controls an "army" of 16 pieces. This army is compromised of six different types of pieces: one king, one queen, two bishops, two rooks, two knights, and eight pawns. Every piece is controlled by an established set of rules. These rules dictate which direction and amount of spaces each piece is legally able to move. These rules also state when a certain piece may "kill" or "capture" another piece. That piece is removed from the board.


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      Eliminate an opposing piece using your king by moving one square any direction to a square currently occupied by the opposing piece. In addition the king can only capture another piece if the move does not leave the king vulnerable. When a king is in a square which leaves it vulnerable to capture, that king is "checked." This can be forced on a king by an opposing player with the proper placement of that player's pieces. A player can never make a move that would leave his own king in "check" status. A king can never capture another king.

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      Move your queen any number of spaces in any direction in a straight or diagonal line to a square occupied by one of your enemy's pieces to eliminate it. No piece can pass through another piece to make a kill or capture.

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      Kill a piece using your bishop by moving any number of spaces diagonally to a space occupied by an opposing piece.

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      Capture a piece with your rook by moving it any number of spaces vertically or horizontally to a space occupied by an enemy piece.

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      Jump the knight in a "L" shape any direction as long as the move consists of two squares in a straight line and ends with one square to the side. If the ending square is occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured. The knight is able to "jump" over any piece to arrive at its desired location.

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      Move your pawn one space diagonally to capture an enemy piece. This move can only be performed when an enemy is occupying a space on the row right in front of the pawn and diagonally adjacent to it. © HT Games