HT Games

How to Set Up Chess Pieces to Start a Game

When learning to play chess, the first thing you must learn is how to set up the chess pieces to start a game. The rules of chess are very specific, and the chess board must be set up the same way every time you start a game of chess. Each type of chess piece has a designated starting position. Learning how to set up your chess board properly is the first step in a lifetime of enjoyment of "the game of kings."


  1. The Board

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      Set the board up so that a black square is in your left hand corner when you are facing the chess board. A light square should be on your right hand corner. If you don't have a light colored square on your left hand corner, rotate the board until you do.

    • 2

      Determine which player will use the white pieces and which player will use the black pieces. You can do this by hiding a white pawn (the smallest pieces) in one hand and a black pawn in the other hand. Your opponent picks a hand and takes that color, while you take the other color. Each player should set up his own pieces.

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      Set up your pieces in the rank (horizontal row) of squares closest to you. In each corner, place a rook (the piece that looks like a tower).

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      Place your knights (the pieces that look like horses) in the squares next to your rooks, one square closer to the center of the first rank.

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      Continuing to move towards the center of the board, place your bishops (these pieces have a slit and a dot near the top) in the next squares, directly beside your knights.

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      Place the queen(the second largest piece) on the last square of her own color in the first rank. If you are using the white pieces, place the queen on the light colored square. If you are using the black pieces, place the queen on the black square.

    • 7

      Set the king (the largest piece) on the last remaining square in the first rank. The square's color should be the opposite of the king's color.

    • 8

      Set your 8 pawns in the second rank, one pawn directly in front of each of the pieces you have already set up. Your chess pieces are now set up, and you are ready to begin your chess match. © HT Games