HT Games

How to Play Alekhine's Defense in Chess

Alexander Alekhine was the fourth world chess champion and a very innovative player. Alekhine’s Defense is in the hypermodern category of chess, a style where pieces, not pawns, are used to control the center of the board. This defense has proved successful time and time again at every level, from the casual club player to the strongest grandmasters. This provocative chess opening dares White to overextend its center, allowing black some beautiful counter-attacks and mating nets.

Things You'll Need

  • Chess board or Internet playing site
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    • 1

      Play 1…Nf6 if white plays 1. e4. This attacks the pawn.

    • 2

      Play 2…Nd5 if white plays 2. e5, kicking the knight around.

    • 3

      Play 3…Nb6 if white plays c4 (known as the Chase Variation).

    • 4

      Play 4...Nd5 (back to the center square) if white plays c5, kicking the knight around again.

    • 5

      Play 5…e6 if white plays Nc3. This defends your knight and attacks the c5 pawn via the black bishop.

    • 6

      Play 5…d6 if white plays d4 to protect the c5 pawn. Black must chip away at the white center.

    • 7

      Develop the black bishop to e7 or b7 after b6 (fianchetto), or to d6 after center pawn exchanges are made (all dependent on what white does after 5…d6).

    • 8

      Develop the knight on b8 to either d7 or c6, depending on board structure and where you want the white bishop.

    • 9

      Develop the white bishop to either d7 or b7 after b6 if you wish to fianchetto it and control the long white diagonal. © HT Games