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How to Play the Nimzowitsch Defense in Chess

The Nimzowitsch Defense provides Black with an interesting response to the King's Pawn, as White is encouraged to develop a strong pawn center which she is then immediately forced to defend. The opening is typical of the hypermodern ideas that the opening's namesake, Aron Nimzowitsch, provided to the world of chess, and is worth study for those who enjoy both novel openings and relatively closed opening systems.


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      Respond to e4 with Nc6. This move develops a piece, establishes a presence over the central d4 and e5 squares, and begins preparation for an eventual queenside castle. White will usually respond with d4 in order to complete the pawn center and threaten 3. d5.

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      Play e5 with your second move. This move begins the attack on White's pawn center and opens diagonals for the kingside bishop and the queen. At this point, White will usually either play 3. d5 and threaten Black's knight with tempo, or capture the pawn on e5 and open the game considerably.

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      Adapt your opening play according to White's third move. If White plays d5, respond with Nce7 to provide a defense for your knight and prepare for a closed, strategic struggle. If White captures on e5 with his third move, recapture on e5 with your knight and prepare for an open, tactical game where Black has a good chance to equalize with correct play. © HT Games