HT Games

How to End a Chess Game

Chess players divide games into a beginning, middle and an end. The line of when the middle game turns into the end game is blurry. Sometimes players define the end of a chess game by the number and types of pieces that remain. Yet the goal of both players is the same--to put the opponent's King into checkmate.


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      Move remaining pawns down the board to break through your opponent's defense. Capturing your opponent's pawns weakens his defense.

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      Control the center of the board throughout the game, but particularly near the end of a chess game. If you control the center, you can be the aggressor and force your opponent to react only to your moves.

    • 3

      Advance a remaining rook into a central vertical file to keep your opponent's King restricted. Next to a Queen, a rook is most powerful.

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      Capture your opponent's rooks. It's very difficult to place someone in check without a rook involved.

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      Begin moving your King. While you spend most of the game defending your King, the end of the game means fewer threats due to fewer pieces. A King can even become part of your strategy to put the other side in check.

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      Box in your opponent's King. As you put the King in check, your opponent must move his King. Keep following him, forcing him to move one square at a time. If you've adequately set up your chess pieces for the end of the game, you can effectively surround your opponent's King and put him in checkmate. © HT Games