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How to Play the Spanish Opening in Chess

What's known as the Spanish opening, or Ruy Lopez, has been played as a sequence of opening moves in chess for centuries. It is effective, easy to learn, and commonly used by beginning chess players and masters alike.


    • 1

      White opens by moving the king's pawn to e4. There are a number of strong points to this move. White can begin to control the center of the board, and White's queen and bishop are now free to be brought into play.

    • 2

      Black responds by mirroring with e5. This basically gives Black the same advantages that White has.

    • 3

      White moves a knight, Nf3. This brings a piece into play, strengthens control of the center of the board, and attacks the pawn on e5.

    • 4

      Black counters by also moving a knight out, with Nc6. The knight is now defending e5 while improving Black's own position on the board.

    • 5

      Now White moves the bishop, Bb5. This brings another piece into play, opens up White's ability to castle, attacks the knight, and can potentially lead to a pin position. © HT Games