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Games for Early Toddlers

The early toddler stage is full of learning and development. These children are learning to walk, beginning to talk, and strengthening their motor skills. Encourage your toddler's growth by playing games that are fun and educational. These games will increase your toddler's skills while strengthening the bond between you and your child.
  1. Learning Games

    • You can play learning games with your toddler to teach basics such as colors, shapes and counting. Cut up various colors of construction paper sheets into squares. Mix up the squares up in a bowl. Show the toddler a color and help him pick all of the matching color squares from the bowl. Teach your toddler shapes with clay. Roll the clay out on a flat surface. Use cookie cutters to cut out various shapes from the clay. Help the toddler identify the shapes and fit them properly back into the correct holes. Teach your children counting by holding up your fingers, saying the number of fingers and helping the toddler to copy you.

    Fine Motor Skill Games

    • It is important to help your toddler develop fine motor skills. Fine motor skills involve the use of the small muscles in the hands. Gather small objects such as coins, animal figures and paperclips. Press them into a ball of clay. Roll the clay to hide the objects. Help your child dig through the clay to find the objects. Fill a bowl with beans. Place a second bowl near the first. Give your child a spoon and have him move all the beans from one bowl to the other. Or instead of a spoon, have the toddler use his hands to move the beans. Build block towers with your toddler. Once the tower is complete, let the child knock the tower over and begin again.

    Imagination Games

    • Promote an active imagination in your toddler by playing imagination games. These games will encourage creativity and self-expression in your young child. Pretend with your toddler to be different types of animals. Mimic the animals' movements and sounds while playing. Place pillows or couch cushions randomly on the floor. Pretend the floor is covered with water or snakes and help your toddler jump from one pillow to the next without touching the floor. Pretend that you are chefs. Provide your toddler with a mixing bowl, spoon, rolling pin and pan. Use various colors of clay as your ingredients and pretend to cook a meal.

    Gross Motor Skill Games

    • Toddlers are developing gross motor skills, and it is important to help foster these skills. Play baseball with your toddler. Give him an empty paper towel roll and toss an inflated balloon to him. Have him try to hit the balloon with his bat. Play copycat games that promote physical activity. Perform actions such as jumping, clapping, rolling your arms and touching your toes. Try to get your toddler to mimic your actions. Sit on the floor away from your toddler. Pass a ball back and forth by rolling, bouncing or throwing it. Mix up the game by using balls of various sizes. © HT Games