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Activities on Kittens for Preschoolers

Most preschoolers find animals intriguing and fascinating. Teach your preschool class about kittens through a variety of activities. Games and crafts provide the preschoolers with hands-on activities, which will keep them interested as they learn about kittens and build fine motor skills. After checking with parents about cat allergies, bring a kitten in for show-and-tell so the children can get a hands-on experience with a kitten.
  1. Easy Activities

    • Print several coloring pages of kittens and have the preschoolers sit around a table. Each child can color a picture of a kitten using markers and crayons. Let the children use their imagination and creativity by having each child try to draw a kitten on a piece of construction paper. Hang up a picture of a kitten for the children to look at while they draw. Another idea is making kitten masks. Print the face of kittens on card stock paper. Cut the eyes, mouth and nose out. Poke a hole on each side of the mask and attach elastic string to the mask so the children can wear it.

    Memory Games

    • Make a memory game for the children by printing pictures of different colored kittens on index cards (two of each). Place the cards face down on a table and have the children play a game of memory match. The child who finds the most kitten matches wins the game. You can also place all the kitten cards face up on a table and have the children look at the cards. Tell them to close their eyes and remove one card. The first child to guess the missing card wins a small prize.

    Kitten Collage

    • Give the children magazines, books and newspapers. Ask the children to use child-safe scissors to cut out as many kitten pictures as they can and glue the pictures to a large sheet of construction paper. After the children glue the pictures to the paper, let them use a paw print stamp to stamp kitten prints all over the paper. For added decoration, the children can use markers, paint and kitten-themed stickers to decorate the kitten collage. Teach the children the spelling of "meow" and "kitten." Help them write the words on their collages.

    Active Games

    • Tell your preschoolers how kittens love to play with balls of yarn. Place several buckets on the ground and mark a line 5 feet from the buckets. Have the children try to toss balls of yarn into the buckets. For another active game, have each preschooler stand in front of the class and give their best impression of a kitten. Award prizes for participation. © HT Games